Thursday, October 31, 2013

10.31.13 thursday

Happy Halloween

10.30.13 wednesday

The new refrigerator was delivered today.

The Red Sox won the 2013 World Series,YAY!!!  It has been late nights around here.

10.28.13 monday

Shelby had her follow up visit with Dr. Weindling.  EKG is normal.  He would like to see her in a year.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

10.27.13 sunday

Shelby carved her little pumpkin.  She did a nice job.

10.26.13 saturday

Went to Barnes and Nobel with Matthew.  He bought 2 new movies to add to his collection and I bought a new book.  I finally used up the gift card I got for Christmas.

10.25.13 friday

Mark removing cabinets above the refrigerator.  The new one is taller.  It should be coming on Wednesday. 

10.24.13 thursday

Shelby is studying with Caroline via face time on their I-phones.  Pretty cool!

10.23.13 wednesday

Mark just couldn't leave well enough alone.  Michael's window wasn't closing all the way.  Michael was okay with it (it's his car!) but Mark wasn't.  So a little fiddling around and low and behold he broke it!  He ordered a new piece and installed it.  Michael now has a window that closes thanks to his dad not being able to leave things alone.

Mark stopped by home depot and purchased a fridge.  Yay!  It won't be delivered until next Wednesday.

10.22.13 tuesday

Turned on the heat.  The house was 63 degrees.  Too cold for me!

Resumed looking for fridges.  We found one at a local appliance store but will do some research.  It is also a side by side, though bigger than the one we have.

10.21.13 monday

Fridge shopping...stinks!  Most everything is stainless steel and we want white to go with the rest of our appliances.  Mark would like one with the freezer on the bottom and only 1 door on top.  Me, I want one that makes ice.  I go through a lot because of me drinking iced coffee.

10.20.13 sunday

The refrigerator died...Mark left for work at 5:45 a.m. and Michael came in at 6:15 a.m., thankfully.  Michael heard the refrigerator arcing and smelled plastic burning.  He called Mark who said to unplug it and he'd be home.  He was able to get it running but later that day it went completely.  Thankfully, we have our "beer" fridge in the garage. 

10.19.13 saturday

This is what I have to put up with...and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I love this girl!

10.18.13 friday

Last cone-flower.

10.17.13 thursday

Used the last of the tomatoes in our supper.  Surprisingly, Matthew's garden did better than I would have ever imagined.   Maybe we'll do it all over again next year.

10.16.13 wednesday

More apples...we picked an 1/2 bushel this time, which will be the last time until next fall.

10.15.13 tuesday

Made rusty bells and safety pins.

10.14.13 monday

Lazy day in the Phillips household.  Shelby and I spent the day in sweats and watching the Long Island Medium marathon.  Shelby also did a little entertaining herself.  She put her legs through the arms of the sweatshirt and tried to walk around.  It was hysterical!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

10.13.13 sunday

Met the Bisson family for a round of mini golf...I won!  It is always a good time.  They're truly good people!
Shelby went to Nightmare New England for the 2nd time this weekend.  She says she is ready to go into the haunted attractions, maybe next year.

10.12.13 saturday

Mark and Matthew picked up the leaves...If at all possible Mark will take them to the dump instead of dumping them on our property.

10.11.13 friday

Shelby went to Nightmare New England with Caroline and Toni and met Skylor there...she had a ball.  First time that I let her go (she has always been a scardey cat) and they went without an adult.  You don't have to go in the attractions. They have a "midway" where you can just walk around and they have people dressed up walking among everyone.

10.10.13 thursday

Shelby practicing poi...her cousin Jennifer introduced her to it.  Poi refers to a performing art and in this case she is using socks with balls in them.  When you're really good you can do it with fire.

10.09.13 wednesday

Put the fish to bed.  Could not catch all the frogs...hope they leave on their own.

10.08.13 tuesday

Macoun's are finally ready!  Our favorites.

10.07.13 monday

We couldn't believe how hard the rain was coming down.

10.06.13 sunday

Shelby and Grace took a picture of themselves with Matthew's phone and made this his background.

10.05.13 saturday

We went to a local Corn Maze...spent 2 1/2 hours inside it.  Matthew was the first to find the way out.  He came back for us and got lost all over again.  Mark and I were so close for the 1st hour then got farther and farther away.

10.04.13 friday

Last motorcycle ride of the season.  Mark and John went wasn't the greatest.

10.03.13 thursday

Yard stakes are all done.  I think they came out pretty good.

10.02.13 wednesday

A tree in walmart parking lot...pretty.

10.01.13 tuesday


Michael washing his car...probably only the 2nd time time ever!  We signed the car over to him so that we could get him off our insurance.  Believe it or not it is cheaper for him to have it in his own name.