Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 31, 2011

Took Kitty to see the vet today. He's been licking his fur off and chewing his right front leg. Could be that he's allergic to the new litter or he's just pissed at Mark for not giving him treats every morning (he jumped up on the counter then the fridge, knocked his treats down got them opened and had a party). He did really well only hissed a few times. While there I got his shots that were due next month. Hopefully, we figure this out and he won't have to go back for another year.
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1 comment:

Chris said...

they have to use that feliway spray on henry when he goes to the vet. he is just palin mean! hope kitty stops chewing on himself. gracie did this and i put her on grain-free food. the chewing stopped.

he's so dam cute!!